On our website you will find all the information about nutrition and losing weight in a
sustainable way for your very own physiology and life-style, and how to incorporate it
with your family and work life.
We have listed all the products and companies that can and will assist you with your
journey to a more happy and healthier YOU!
Enjoy our website!
Carmene Heigan - Marketing Coordinator
Being passionate about health and marketing, with years of experience in business development, international trade, and communication strategies. I bring my skills and expertise to Anything Health to grow and bring forth a concept that is a benefit to one and all. We stand for consideration and kindness to each other and everyone with opportunities that represent potential for beneficial growth.
Paul Van Der Berg
Confronted with changes in retail Pharmacy, he developed his own slimming program, using injections together with different medicines and slimming techniques. Today the Ascot Diet Clinic program is well known, with clinics in South Africa, Mozambique, Swaziland, and Ghana. They also have clients in Australia, England, Dubai, and Zimbabwe..
Chris Pieters - Website Administrator
Over40 Years in the IT Environment. From the old days of Mainframes to the modern times of Pcs and DATA centers. Over the last, eight to ten years Chris did Project Management related to various projects within the IT environment in areas such as Mining/Desktop Support/Data Centre Management.